User positions
User positions inside Marginly have following parameters:
Base amount
User’s ETH collateral: Total user ETH = Base amount * Base Collateral Coef
User’s discounted ETH debt: Total base debt = Base amount * Accrued rate
Quote amount
User’s USDC collateral: Total user USDC = Quote amount * Quote Collateral Coef
User’s discounted USDC debt: Total quote debt = Quote amount * Accrued rate
Type of position:
Uninitialized (by default)
Lend (quote amount and base amount as collateral)
Short (quote amount - as collateral, base amount - as debt)
Long (quote amount - as debt, base amount - as collateral)
Heap position
Index of position in leverage heap (short or long).
By default, 0 (meaning the id doesn’t exist in any leverage heaps). Otherwise, the index of the heap equals heap position minus 1.
Last updated