Some of the most frequently asked questions are answered here

Q: What is Marginly?

A: Marginly is a smart contract-based margin trading & derivatives application that allows users to take up to 20x leveraged long and short positions on crypto-assets across different DEXes in multiple networks.

Q: Who developed Marginly?

A: A dedicated team within EQlab is working on Marginly.

Q: How can I get involved with Marginly?

A: Join our Discord for feedback and discussion, follow us on Twitter to keep up with the news and check out Marginly’s Galxe space to participate in contests and other promotional activities.

Q: How do I trade on Marginly?

A: Marginly app is in public beta so anyone can try it out by visiting beta.marginly.com

Q: How do I get testnet tokens?

A: Testnet tokens can be obtained in this discord channel. Type /get and paste your address. Please note that tokens can only be received once per address.

Q: Can I swap testnet tokens?

A: Sure! Feel free to use this direct link: https://beta.marginly.com/swap for swapping assets

Q: What chains/networks does Marginly support?

A: At the moment Marginly supports Arbitrum, Polygon and zkSync. More networks might be supported in the future.

Q: What oracle does Marginly use?

A: Marginly uses Uniswap V3 TWAP oracle for V1 of the protocol. Refer here for additional information.

Q: How is the liquidation price calculated? Why is my liquidation price so close to my entry point?

A: The way leverage trading works is that the liquidation price moves closer to the entry price as leverage increases. This makes high leverage plays both lucrative and risky as even a small move against the trader in the price of the underlying may result in liquidation. Refer here for a detailed breakdown and examples.

Q: Has the code been audited?

A: An agreement has been reached with Quantstamp regarding an audit. More info here.

Q: Is there a Marginly token?

A: There is no native Marginly token yet however a tokenomics release is planned after Marginly launches on mainnet.

Q: Is there a public sale?

A: There is no public sale. The project is self-funded.

Q: Is there a way to earn Marginly tokens or other rewards in public testnet?

A: There are testnet trading contests that reward winners with future Marginly native token allocations. More information here.

Q: I received a private message promising free tokens/NFTs/future airdrop allocation. Is it real?

A: No, it's a scam. We do not message users directly offering free tokens or NFTs of any kind. We also do not offer users any private investment opportunities.

Q: Who do I contact for partnerships, integrations and other proposals?

A: Feel free to reach out to Discord moderators and you’ll be assisted with your query.

Last updated